Friday, September 21, 2007

A non-chronological journey back to Israel

Some cars are chick magnets. This car is a kitchy Israeli crap magnet.
The view from the roof.
This is the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, where Jesus was crucified. Of all the cruel and inhumane things the Romans did, this was one of the worst. They killed the Lord's son, which was bad enough, but on top of that they had the nerve to crucify him--of all places--inside a church! Two by two at the biblical zoo. The biblical zoo has every animal mentioned in the Old Testament. Except unicorns.

This is the Dome of the Rock, where Mohammed ascended to heaven. This is also the place where the Jewish Temple Mount existed. Also, Jesus knocked over a table here.

The Dome of the Rock wouldn't admit Dave because he had a flute in his backpack and they were afraid he would rock so hard the Dome would be humbled. It was a good thing they stopped him because he had all kinds of strange shamanistic ideas about reclaiming the world's holiest site for the pagans or something.

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