This is so embarassing. After they snapped it, sputterspeak is staring at my camera and he turns to his friend and says something and his friend shakes his head "no." But he looks down at the camera again and already I'm starting to jump up from my crouched position (see above). You can see where this is going. Sputtermouth is actually a fast little guy and much better at navigating the paths than I am. I'm after him and my flip flops are flying off. I'm screaming bloody murder and all kinds of curses. Like a Looney Tunes chase. With my fist raised in the air like Foghorn Leghorn.
Well they were gone. They lost me through vines and jungle tangles. On my way to find my flip-flops, I told everyone about my camera. Again I'm a cartoon, but this time it's me who's stuttering and breathsputtering, pointing incomprehensible in all directions. And I'm describing the whole scene to two helpful guys. Like, he was wearing, well, he was about this tall, well-dressed, skinny, maybe 17 years old, wearing like, a, a flannel shirt you know and. And then cartoon cliche of all cartoon cliches! As I'm describing shrimy sputterdodger I see his red flannel out of the corner of my eye. Imagine I'm still describing him. And he looked like, well, he looked, um, he looked like THAT GUY!
I could see his face through the bushes and he looked very scared. I think I looked very angry. He ducked his head down, covered his face, left the camera on the ground, and disappeared down the hill.
i really think you should be a photojournalist, buddy. these are very, very good.
hehe. at least you got your camera back. nice photos.
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